Easter Eggs & Natural Dyes

Looking for a last minute Easter craft? Like hard boiled eggs? Connect to the ancient ritual and spring celebration of Easter by foraging for some natural dyes in your pantry or out in nature for some suprisingly beautiful results.

Eggs were often associated with pagan festivals and celebrations of spring. Eggs were symbolic of rebirth and new life, making them an appropriate part of the celebration of spring and the new life that comes after winter. It was common for eggs to be decorated in conjunction with these spring festivals, and common to see these colored eggs given as gifts to friends and family. The symbolism of rebirth fit well with the spring holiday of Easter, as it is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. The practice of decorating eggs and giving them as gifts was adopted by Christians and included in their Easter celebrations.

In order to dye chicken eggs, explore in nature for some stunning colours…

Onion skin will dye your eggs brown.

Turmeric root or powder will result in warm yellow colour.

Beetroot will dye your eggs red.

Nettles will work well for a green colour…

The options are many and colours are out there aplenty at this time of year, so why not give this a go?

First of all pop your colours and plants into a pot, add water and a spoon ful of vinegar (which helps the eggs absorb the colour) and bring to the boil. Boil on a low heat for 10minutes.

In the meantime wash your eggs well with cold water.

chicken eggs

If you would like to add some natural patterns to your eggs and dye, why not forage for some small plants to create pretty prints on your boiled eggs. Any small leaves, blossoms, twigs or grasses will be perfect.

Fasten the greens to the eggs with an old pair of nylon socks.

Once the eggs have been prepared and pricked with a needle at both ends, pop them into the boiling water gently with a big spoon.

Boil them for 10 minutes.

Remove from the boiling water and hold them (on the big spoon) under running cold water for 10minutes.

Gently remove the nylon sock and plants.

And enjoy your Easter Decoration and pretty eggs, which keep for up to 2 weeks, in which you can enjoy them on picnics or as part of a meal.

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