
KarmaWomen is WanderWomen’s Pay It Forward Scheme.

In the spirit of community, growth, sharing and empowerment, we strive to offer one space every month to enable ONE woman who needs the connection, wellbeing, adventure and mindfulness in her life, but might not be able to afford it.

KarmaWomen is our opportunity to give back and support the WanderWomen community. Not everyone has the means to access WanderWomen experiences when they might benefit from it hugely.

You can now pay it forward. To enable a woman to share in the magical experience of women getting together, allowing her to grow, find confidence, community and support.

Here at WanderWomen we pledge to make a monthly no-cost KarmaWomen offer to a choice of WanderWomen events, depending on space and availability.

If you would like to make inquiries, nominate a woman in need, ask further questions, please get in touch via [email protected].

We invite individuals to nominate, but also get women nominated by Edinburgh Women’s Aid, Mosaic Medical, and various other organisations around Edinburgh.

Help someone in an act of kindness. Other people will want to follow your example. Karma. It will come back to you!

If you’d like to pay it forward and make a one-off donation now, enabling a woman to join a WanderWomen experience in the future, follow this link –

(If you would like to join the Friends of WanderWomen, we are happy to talk about a monthly donation, too)

Thank you.