Oh, the joy of the first Spring greens – the lush colour of new wild garlic is just one of my favourite sights in Spring!
You must be careful not to mix up wild garlic with other greens that shoot up in Spring (watch for the unmistakably garlic smell!), but if your woodland, like mine, only has Allium Paradoxum available, a wild garlic relative that has slimmer leaves, that aren’t as broad as the real Wild Garlic, then rest assured, because it’s an invasive species, you can harvest and forage it as much as you like!

Be sure to not pull out the bulbs from the soil though, ideally cut it with a knife or scissors! There are so many nice dishes you can use your wild garlic in, but I’d like to share with you a scone recipe that is a big hit with all the family:
What you need:
225g self-raising flour
1tsp baking powder
50g butter
100g grated cheese
30g wild garlic leaves, chopped
1tsp mustard
1/4 tsp salt
freshly ground pepper
1 egg
enough milk to make it a soft dough.
Mix it all, and pop into the preheated oven at 200 degrees, in either little heaps or lovely cut out rounds.
Enjoy with some butter, or just on its own!