“Edinburgh Forage and Eat is a one woman company set up to connect people to nature through the amazing wild foods that surround us. I want to teach and inspire and excite and delight people by introducing them to the amazing flavours that surround us. I try to do this through foraging instruction and various wild food events.
I love mushrooms. I do. I love the way they look, the way they smell, the way they feel, the way they taste. This huge array of shapes and colours and textures and flavours and scents. I love their unpredictability, and the excitement of finding them. I love how ‚niche‘ they are, how mysterious and even intimidating to many, and how much knowledge one can greedily accumulate while studying them. And I love the Connection to my childhood they bring, memories of hours spent with parents and siblings in the woods in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest, Germany), gathering delicious wild edibles. And finally, mushrooms and foraging in general, weave such a bond to the generations before me. It‘s quite a lovely feeling to find one of my grandparents‘ favourite mushrooms, taught to them by their parents, and by their parents and so forth, down into the past who knows how far.
I enjoy collaborating with Wanderwomen so very much because our approaches of connecting with nature complement and enhance each other. I think participants in our collaborations experience a wholistic submersion In their environment, involving all senses, engaging the mind, and soothing and strengthening the spirit. Moreover, you are kind and creative and patient and honest and fun and super easy to work with. “
To find out more about Judith and Edinburgh Forage and Eat, check out her website, and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Upcoming collaborations can be booked via Eventbrite:
26th August, Aberdour (spaces available)
2nd September, Yellowcraig Beach (spaces available)
8th September, Seacliffe Beach (booking possible soon)
7th October, Yellowcraig Beach (booking possible soon)