Hi, I am Anna.

I like hiking, I enjoy yoga, seaswimming is my meditation and I love the smell of fire, cooking outdoors and the sound of rain on canvas when I am all snuggled up after a day’s walking, in my tent.
I am a compulsive forager: I create art from nature, I bake cakes, I make jams from everything seasonal that I can find outdoors. I find conversation easier when I am outside, with others and myself, I feel I am the best version of myself when in nature.
With WanderWomen Scotland Ltd, I would like to share with you my passion for the outdoors: for hiking in beautiful places with everything that I need in my backpack, wandering and finding wonder in nature, being at one with what surrounds me, bringing together the joys of movement on land and in water, and watching what happens when inviting simplicity into this life, finding stillness and calm.
I am embarking on a journey of putting together some weekend escape tours for women, some that will require high levels of fitness, others that will be gentler adventures.
The different trips on offer are: Half Day Escape, Full Day Adventure and Overnight Retreat.
What I love about the city that I live in, Edinburgh in Scotland, is, that it is surrounded by beautiful land – hills, beaches, forests, moors, and all of that within easy reach, which makes it perfect for weekend adventures.
Come on that journey with me and join me on a microadventure all year round. I will be offering monthly trips in varying surrounds and terrains.
Tents, foods and a packing list will be provided for you.
What are you waiting for? Be part of WanderWomen and enjoy this journey!
You will leave feeling refreshed, invigorated, inspired and happy to be alive, smelling of fire and freedom!
Ich finde es sehr interessant und spannend mal mit anderen Frauen durch Schottland zu wandern oder zu kochen oder einfach Schönes in der Natur zu erleben. Habe gerade einen Bericht im Fernsehen gesehen.
Vielen Dank – schoen, dass der Beitrag gut ankam. Vielleicht bis bald mal in Schottland! Anna
Hallo Anna Wood,
Sie waren im TV in Deutschland (ZDF, Sendung Gallo Deutschland). Wir sind begeistert. Sie machen etwas wunderbares. In der kalten Nordsee zu schwimmen, Ihre “Kundinnen” zu inspirieren, Entspannung und Körperspannung hervorzurufen, sind gerade in Coronazeiten mehr als wichtig.
Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie stete Gesundheit, Freude und Erfo,g.
Herzlich aus Berlin, Deutschland
Danke fuer die lieben Worte 🙂 liebe Gruesse aus Edinburgh!