From the best-liked photos on Instagram, one could assume that WanderWomen is all about the sea, swimming, and selfies. But let’s not be fooled by the Instagram Algorithms, but indulge me for the moment in letting those photos prompt some memories of the – what felt like a mad rollercoaster – year.
January started with a bang, and WanderWomen being featured in a BBC documentary called Scary Adult Things, which I recorded with Duncan (Director/Producer) back in November 2020.
The second photo shows a group of women in the water, forming a circle. This was at the Spring Equinox in March and it is significant because after the winter lockdown we were able to meet in organised groups again. Non Contact, “Sports Groups”. It felt so wonderful to get together again, and also set off the 100 Day Project of circles this year: 100 days of 100 circles. Circles in Nature, a community project with circly contributions from wanderwomen worldwide. Happy times.
3rd photo – a post about selfcare and solo adventures. A reminder to take rest, and pause in nature – this is what WanderWomen is all about. Looking at this picture now (from my solo camping adventure in November 2020), it speaks to me rest, REST. I needed a lot of that this year – I felt robbed of energy in 2021. Did you?
The 4th Photo shows one of my favourite experiences of the year, taking 78 year old Sheila into the sea for the first time ever. So tiny and fragile, she needed her hand held, for the waves not to throw her over. She loved it and is now an integrative part in the Portobello Swim Community. It is significant to me that no one is ever too old to try something new. WanderWomen prides itself to attract women and girls of all shapes and sizes, ages and nationalities. We are all one. We are nature.
The 5th and central photo to the collage signifies the lightness and joy that we gain from getting away from screens, and slightly out of our comfort zones. Nature is amazing like that. Full immersion, full surrender to the stronger and bigger forces of this universe bring us incredible strength and vitality. I love the beaming energy that wander woman Silvi, caught by photographer Emily MacInnes, radiates here. You can get it too!
The 6th photo is myself. In my happy place of 2021 – my hammock. I slept in it, under the canvas of the trees, under the starry sky, quite a few times this year. On WanderWomen overnight retreats, on my own, with my kids and with friends, as well as in my garden. I just love it. Being close to nature, nothing to separate me from the breeze, the bugs and the elements. It is truly special being suspended between light and dark, earth and sky, awakeness and sleep. During WanderWomen private sessions I shared the joy with various women, cradling them between trees. And all I can say I invested in more hammocks and can’t wait to suspend you some time soon!
Photo 7 is myself again, in a post where I share my birthday tradition of writing my future self a letter, every year. It also prompts me to thank my collaborators, photographers, landowners, venues and supporters. You know who you all are. This photo is taken by Amanda Farnese Heath, at a shoot at Carfrae Farm.
The 8th Photo of the fire at the beach comes from Sophie, loyal and supportive wander woman, and in this case guest blogger! I am always on the lookout for guest bloggers with anything to do with WanderWomen, nature connection, personal stories, and more! Drop me a line if you want to share something on the WanderWomen website!
The last photo is from a post about the WanderWomen community and a community swim, of which another one is coming up on the 21st December, for the Winter Solstice (the shortest day of the year, when the sun only rises at 8.45am!). Do come and join this formidable community of supportive women (and men), swim at your own risk and with someone experienced. Beach Bonfire provided!
Thank you again, all of you, for following the WanderWomen story, watching us grow, your support in many ways.
Here is to bringing the year to an end, and being open to new adventures in 2022! See you all soon.