You may have started the year full force jumping into your goals, or you may have taken a more slower approach to settling into the new year. Regardless of where you’re at, it’s important to check in with yourself regularly to see how you’re getting on, otherwise you can be at risk of getting carried away with what’s going on around you.
I’ve been there – burnt out, anxious and completely overwhelmed by everything around me.
I let life dictate what was happening to me, rather than taking control myself. I was a people-pleasing perfectionist and it enabled me up until the point my body gave in and finally said no. So I’ve spent the last 7 years building up a toolkit I can use and guide my clients to help them with their mental health and wellbeing.
One way I do this is through acknowledging what’s happening in the seasons. We’re all nature and we’ve become disconnected over time with 24/7 technology and instant gratification. It’s caused us to become imbalanced and we’re constantly looking for a quick fix solution. By taking things back to basics and following what’s happening outside, it gives us a guidepost to understand ourselves and make changes for the better.
Spring’s the time where we start to see lots happening outside in nature. There’s more light, warmth, energy and growth, and we’re likely to feel that within ourselves. It’s the time for transformation. But, if we try to take on too much too soon, we can be at risk of burning ourselves out.
Like the changing seasons, we also need to adapt. Spring’s a great time for making change in our lives, but in a way that’s gradual and manageable.
Here are my top tips to help you beat burnout in spring.
1. Set your intention for spring
With intentions setting, it’s not about trying to achieve a future goal. It’s about the present moment. Intentions are lived each day.
Consider the following questions:
– What’s my intention for spring? (Tip: Start it with statements like “I am…” or “I feel…” and keep the statement in the present tense.)
– What will it give me if I have this intention?
– What does this intention feel, look and sound like?
Then once you’ve spent time forming your intention(s), think about how you can connect with this on a daily basis. When we form intentions, we’re able to hone in on the things that are important to us, avoid the things we don’t want and set the brain into gear in our favour.
[Note: Spring’s also a great time to set goals for the year, so once you’ve set your intention(s), can you take it further and define what goals for the next 3, 6 or 9 months could look like for you?]
2. Give yourself a spring clean
Once we know what we don’t want, it gives us an opportunity to get rid. There’s nothing like a good clear out and spruce up!
What’s happening in your life that could do with a bit of focus and/or a detox?
– What can I change in my physical environment? Marie Kondo’s Life Changing Magic of Tidying is a fantastic book!
– What thought patterns am I running which aren’t help me?
– What situations/environments do I find myself in which don’t make me feel good?
– How do I want to adapt what I’m fuelling my body and mind (e.g. food, drink, movement, thought patterns etc)?
3. Find a routine that works for you
If you’re someone who likes a solid rigid routine, think about how you can adapt your routine to be more spring-like. Can you reduce the time you spend on one thing, so you can bring in something new that will make you feel even better? Or can you replace something completely now time has moved on? What’s currently working for you and what needs to change?
If you’re someone that doesn’t like routine, but you want to bring in healthier habits, think about how you can bring things in one small step at a time without overwhelming yourself. Habit trackers are great for this! James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, also says that to create a habit you need to: make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying. If you make it fun, you’re more likely to do it!
4. Find time for you
It’s the obvious answer, but it’s the one we seem to de-prioritise the most!
How can you do something that brings you joy, allows you to cut off from the worldand restore? I’m not talking about binging out on a boxset, a pizza and a bottle of wine, but finding something that fills your cup and makes you feel good on the inside. This could be getting outside in nature whilst the days get longer, trying something new, starting a creative project, or spending quality time with people you love.
5. (Re)set your boundaries
When you’re clear on what you want, you can create boundaries which will protect your time and energy from the things that don’t serve you. As an example, you may even want to practice saying “no” to something or someone when it’s something you don’t want to do.
And, if it doesn’t work, change it.
Let’s face it, life can get in the way at times and things don’t necessarily go to plan. It’s ok to change and adapt. Springtime sees all sorts of weather – the same applies to us as humans.
We can have sunshine, calm days but we can also have raging storms.
Using all, or a combination, of these tips will help set you up for success in the spring because it focuses on filling YOUR cup – which is a great way of preventing burnout.
Above all, don’t give yourself a hard time if it doesn’t work. Every day’s a new day and a new chance to start.

Nic is a life coach and seasonal yoga teacher. After catapulting herself into the corporate world after university and climbing the ladder, she burnt out back in 2016. Since then, she’s been on a mission to build a toolkit that she can share with lots of people to help them with their mental health and wellbeing.
You can follow Nic on Instagram and Facebook.