5 Ways of How WanderWomen Helps You re-adjust to Life

Do you feel out of balance & practice, and like you kinda have to re-learn certain things that came naturally to you until everything changed last year?

Let WanderWomen help you –

1. Re-establish how to be relaxed around other people – social distancing is always easier outdoors, and in remote places. We might have been taught over the last year to be anxious and scared about other people, but don’t let that fear stop you – we will help you unlearn, and turn the fear into something positive!

2. Get moving again – do you feel like you have lost your fitness a little, sitting too much at the desk, or spending days on end on your couch? With gentle wandering, some yoga and swimming, we will gently wake up this body of yours that hasn’t been working at full capacity during the last 12 months!

3. Find your purpose & balance – when you step out of your comfort zone slightly, connecting with your true self, your dreams and purpose becomes crystal clear in your mind! We will help you re-gain balance in your life, so you can grow and flourish!

4. Cultivate a sense of adventure & curiousity – has the same old, same old been getting you down? On WanderWomen experiences you will find your sense of awe and wonder, your curiousity will be stimulated and adventure awaits just around the corner!

5. Get used to being out in all weathers – our attitude to weather has changed! Unless we had to walk a dog, or commute to work, we didn’t have a reason to be out in the wind and rain! Everyone likes sunshine and warm days, but you feel the most alive when the weather is challenging. Bonding, Mindfulness and a sense of achievement are all benefits of facing and not fighting the Scottish weather! When is a better time to readjust in that way of thinking than in the summer months!

Book your spot on the WanderWomen Experience of your choice and let us help you re-connect & re-adjust to the different aspects of life!

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